10 Tips For Sellers To Prepare For The Home Inspection

There are a lot of things you can and should do as a seller to prepare your home for a home inspection. According to BHG Inspections, here are 10 things sellers can do to make the inspection go a little more smoothly.

  1. On inspection day, the home should be empty of the owners – this gives the buyer time to get acquainted with the property.
  2. Pets should be removed or crated.
  3. If something isn’t working properly – don’t try to hide it – inspectors will find it.  You may raise questions that will cause concern for the buyer and impact the sale. Simply leave a note indicating you know the item is broken.
  4. Replace blown lightbulbs in all parts of the home.  Test all smoke detectors to make sure they are working properly.
  5. Please make sure your oven and stovetop are clean so they can be tested without setting off the smoke alarm.
  6. Have clear access to the electrical panel, water heater, attic, crawlspaces, heating systems, garage and garage GFCIs, and other areas that will need to be inspected.
  7. Change or replace your HVAC filter.
  8. If there is a septic inspection, please make sure the lid is accessible and exposed.
  9. If the house is vacant, please make sure all utilities are turned on.
  10. The house should be clean inside. Gutters should be clean outside.  Trim trees and shrubs around the exterior. 

Book An Inspection Here

Scott Emerson
[email protected]
BPG Inspections – TREC #323

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